Friday 20 June 2008

Keeping the Faith Alive

Today’s world seems to encourage people to pursue careers and become as successful as possible whilst making as much money as possible on the way and the true values of a happy life are often forgotten. Although I am currently studying at university and hoping to end up in an enjoyable career, I have not forgotten what I have been taught as a young Catholic, which is that money and wealth have little value compared to the generosity and compassion we Catholics show to one another. Treating others as we would wish for them to treat us is much more important. Being a young Catholic at university has opened my eyes to realise how many young Catholics there are who regularly attend Mass and keep up their faith and made me realise that there are many of us out there and that we are the next generation of the Catholic Church. It is up to us therefore to keep our faith alive and continue to learn about our faith in order to then teach younger generations.