Tuesday 17 June 2008

Miracles never cease to happen

Catherine Newton, 18, Kirkham

Faith is what you need to get by in this world. If my friends or other people were to ask me where God is in my life or what has He done, I would say God created everything around us, He even created me. He helps guide me towards what is right and is that little voice inside me.

There are many challenges that come with having faith but now I am older I have a greater knowledge and understanding and find it easier to practise my faith.
I am very privileged to be brought up as a Catholic as it helps me through everyday life and I know God is always watching over me. Over the last two years I have deepened my faith thanks to being part of the annual diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes. I have been twice already and am looking forward to going next year and celebrating the 150 year anniversary of the apparitions. When in Lourdes last year I went in the baths and I found this very emotional as I saw a miracle take place with a lady within the diocese. This helped my faith grow and made the experience greater. All I have to say is that I’m proud to say that I am part of the Lancaster Diocese and am looking forward to Lourdes 2008.

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