Tuesday 23 September 2008

Thank God for what he has done for us

Being a young Catholic means the world to me, without my faith I think I would feel a bit lost, because it has brought so much to me.
God has placed me in such a loving and understanding family, also God has given me the chance to meet so many amazing friends, they’re my life; you mean so much to me, without you people in my life I would not be where I am today, the support you give me is much appreciated.
A whole part of life is growing up, so many challenges and opportunities have popped up for me, it’s been a bit up and down but my faith has been a big part, along side my family and friends pushing me along.
My mum always says “its your Sunday duties to thank God for what he has done for us, listen to your heart” this little saying keeps popping in my head when my mates used to say
“what is the point in it? just come out, ignore it, it’s nothing!”
Well it’s not nothing to me it’s a big part of me and with out it I would not be who and where I am today.
Going to Lourdes is a major link in my life, being with the youth section of Lancaster diocese looking after our youth and our VIP’s in Lourdes it’s so rewarding to help out, having the opportunity to go . It’s amazing, its such a laugh to meet with old friends and to have the opportunity to make new ones, to join in with the social life but also find peace to take time out of my life! Lourdes has helped me experience youth work which has directed me more to do work here at Castlerigg Manor our diocesan youth centre. I have been given the opportunity to stay another year and I love it, having such a laugh allowing young people, to learn in an informal environment about faith and everyday life and through this, it is helping me to find out who I am, I have found more confidence in my self and I know for a fact we are all apart of God’s family and he is always going to be there for us, you and me!

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